Friday, December 16, 2016

How to permanently disable Speed Dial Recently used webpage in newtab in Firefox

How to permanently disable Speed Dial Recently used webpage in newtab in Firefox

In Firefox latest version a Speed Dial feature is introduced , it displays your most frequently visited sites as thumbnails when you click newtab. Devs give a button (small tile square icon all the way to the right side) to hide/show the thumbnails.

If you want to Disable this feature permanently just follow the simple steps below.

1. In the address bar type about:config and hit enter.
2. click Ill be careful, I promise! button for the warranty warning.
3. Now type browser.newtab.url in the search box or scroll down to find the same.

4. Double-click on browser.newtab.url alternatively Right-click and select Modify.
5. Now in the prompt box, change the string value from about:newtab to about:blank. Click OK to save.

Thats it. Now when you bring up a new tab, itll be blank and you cant see any button to show the thumbnail back.

Note: If you want to bring back the Speed dial. On Step 5 just change about:blank to about:newtab.

Available link for download